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AJ Eagle Project

Date Sat June 2nd
Time: Sat 8 am to 5 pm (apx)
Where: Camp Red Leaf ( Camp Henry Horner)
26710 W. Nippersink Road
Ingleside, IL  60041We will be rebuilding a 20 year old bridge …tearing up and replacing the boards and the top railings. also building 4 planter boxs.Please bring work gloves and safety glasses ( if you do not have these please let us know so we can have some on hand)

We are in need of tools for that day  …if you have tools please let us know . ( Crow bars, screw guns, Jig saws, and Saws to cut the wood to size, drills for the planter boxs. extension cords )

Lunch and snacks will be provided that day.

My email address is
Please let me know by Sunday May 7th if you are able to attend So we can have a count of people that will be there on the day.

Eric A. Eagle Project

When: Sunday May 13th at 9am until finished. Approximate times: 9am-12pm at Legion. 12pm- until finished at Kuechmann Park.

What: We will be building and installing an announcement board for Kuechmann Park.

  • We will be working with power tools!

Where: American Legion and Kuechmann Park, 626 N Old Rand Rd, Lake Zurich, IL (just east of Bobbers)

  • We will start in the Legion parking lot to cut wood and partially assemble some items. We will then transport the materials to Kuechmann Park and install the board. Any adults with a pickup truck would be very helpful!
  • Younger scouts are recommended to come to the installation of the board at the park, not the Legion. We will be at the park around noon.

What to bring: Work gloves and eye protection. Battery operated power tools such as drills and saws. An impact driver would be helpful.

  • Food and drinks will be provided!

Please RSVP and contact Eric Antonoff at:

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