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Welcome New Scouts!

Class B T-Shirts
All new scouts who turn in their application and registration payment by April 5 will receive a free Troop 964 Class B T-shirt. Submit your T-Shirt size so we can place the order.

Troop Newsletter
A troop email is sent out once or twice a week.  It is the primary way we communicate events to the troop.  Please subscribe to the email distribution list by submitting the form below.  You can easily remove your name later from the distribution list by clicking the link at the bottom of each newsletter email.  Most scouts eventually sign up as well.

Sign up for our newsletter




Monday nights, 7:15-8:45 pm at St. Matthew Lutheran Church of Lake Zurich. Troop meetings are held throughout the year, except for August, as we go to Summer Camp in July.  Check the calendar on this website for any cancellations due to school holiday breaks.  We meet a the American Legion a few times a year in March and November.  We publish our events to a Google Calendar; the URL is published in the Troop emails. 


For 2024, re-chartering fees for Scouts were $195 for the year. The Troop uses Zelle as the primary mechanism for payments for dues, campouts, etc.


Please complete the BSA Healthform  You only need to fill out PARTS A and B for registration.   

Note:  Please save the form on your computer, since you will need to fill this out every year.  It’s easier to just change any information each year rather than completely filling it out again.


The troop will provide neckerchief, slider, shoulder lapels, Troop 964 patch, and book.

The purchase of a standard tan Boy Scout shirt is required.  Scout pants and socks are optional to purchase but nice to have.

You can purchase these from one of the scout shops.

Arlington Heights Scout Shop
617 E. Golf Road Suite 101
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Phone: (847) 640-4430

see link above for hours

Google Map


Click on the following image go a guide to where the patches belong:




If you are joining the troop in April or May, please see the Owasippe page.


Permission slips with due dates for events are emailed out to all Scouts.  Your email has been given to the events coordinator.  Watch your email for these upcoming events.

New Scout Shakedown / Trailer Shakedown
The scouts will inventory equipment on trailer (tents, dining fly, stoves, patrol boxes, first aid kit, lanterns, tarps, fuels). The scouts will make sure everything is in good working order, and then loaded back onto the trailer for the next campout. New scouts will also learn how to set up troop tents, troop dinning fly, and how to use troop stoves.  The event normally lasts around 2 hours in the afternoon at the Legion.   I will send out an update with the exact time but it will probably be around noon.
Parent Orientation / Owasippe Summer Camp Orientation – TBD
We will be holding a 45 minute PARENT ORIENTATION presentation, where we will explain how the troop works.  We will also hold a 30 minute OWASIPPE SUMMER CAMP presentation.  The meeting is recommended for parents of first year Scouts as well as Scouts going to summer camp for their first time.
These presentations will be held in April, but we are still working on the scheduling of a facility.


Download the 2024 New Scout Guide.

Camping Guides:

Cold Weather Camping Guide

Sample weekend packing list

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© 2025 Lake Zurich Boy Scouts Troop 964 – American Legion Post #964 - Boy Scouts of America
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