The Camporee will be the weekend of October 11-13, 2019 at Busse Woods in Elk Grove Village, IL. It is designed to provide a jamboree-like experience to all registered Scouts with over 100 activities and program areas being provided. Register Now!
Hey troop. I’m starting part two of my Eagle project. The dates will be the 11th and the 18th of September. On the 11th we will be building 4 hope chests ( storage bins). On the 18th we will be painting the hope chests so wear clothes that you don’t care about. For both days we will start at 5pm and end at around 9 pm. Even if you can only show up for an hour or two your help will greatly be appreciated. And food will also be provided. Thank you!!!
We will be meeting at my house at: 518 North Prairie Lane Lake Zurich, Illinois 60047
Please let me know if you have any questions and please let me know if you are coming.
Should the troop go to one of the Blackhawk Scout Nights this year? Our options are the Toronto Maple Leafs on Sunday, November 10th or the Minnesota Wild on Sunday, December 15th.The cost is $52.53 per ticket.