Cuba Road Cleanup Signup
Cuba Road Cleanup
MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK – Join your Troop and help make the work go fast and fun – EARN SERVICES HOURS
WHO: Troop 964 Scouts & Families – Parents, we need you too.
WHAT: Cuba Road Clean-Up / A public service program through Lake County for environmentally conscious citizen’s groups to make a personal contribution to a cleaner environment by volunteering to pick up litter along Lake County’s highway system.
WHERE: Meet @ Isaac Fox Elementary School on Cuba Road – Dress for the weather / Bring a pair of work gloves / You will get a little dirty
WHEN: Sunday October 3rd, 2021 @ 9am to about 11:15am
WHY: Help keep our town clean. Boy Scout Troop 964 has adopted Cuba Road from Rte. 12 west to Ela Road (both North and
South sides). Also each rank is scouting requires services hours . . . THIS COUNTS!!
Please register below so we can get a head count for safety vests and . . . Dunkin Donuts!