Skiing – Cascade Mountain – January 17th – January 19th

DRESS WARM! Bring sun glasses or goggles and gloves.
We will be staying at the Quality Inn (sleeping on the floor in a conference room) Friday and Saturday night. We will have pool access at the hotel, and we will have a lockin in the conference room.
Bring video games and board games for the lockin. NO VIDEO GAMES RATED MATURE OR OVER ALLOWED. The hotel will provide breakfast Saturday and Sunday morning. We will order pizza Saturday night. Bring money to purchase lunch at Cascade Ski resort on Saturday afternoon.
We will be skiing or snow tubing on Saturday at Cascade Mountain.
Ski / Snowboarding Equipment Waiver
Be sure to either email signed waivers and forms to Mr Smith or else bring them with you.
Ski lift ticket is an all day pass. Snow tubing is an all day pass.
Here is the cost breakdown for skiing or snowboarding:
90 minute lesson, lift ticket, ski and helmet rental: $102
Hotel rental: $35
Hotel breakfast: $10
Pizza: $7
Total: $154
Here is the cost breakdown for tubing:
Tubing: $32
Hotel rental: $35
Hotel breakfast: $10
Pizza: $7
Total: $84
Due to the high cost of this outing, financial aid is available. Please contact the troop if you would like to request financial assistance.
Adults looking to ski or snowtube would buy their own tickets when they arrive.