Warren Dunes – Sat. March 19, 2022
Warren Dunes State Park provides 1,952 acres of recreational opportunities along the beautiful shore of Lake Michigan. Its rugged dune formation, rising 260 feet above the lake, offers spectacular views and is excellent for hang gliding (permit is required). The park is home to 3 miles of shoreline, 6 miles of hiking trails and two popular campgrounds.
The unofficial gateway to Michigan’s state park system from the west, the park is home to an extensive network of richly forested dunes, large open dunes and interdunal wetlands. It also features significant bird diversity because it is a stopover location on a bird migration route.
On Saturday, March 19, 2022, we will have a day trip to Warren Dunes State Park.
Meet at the American Legion at 8 am. Bring a water bottle, a sack lunch, and money for snacks (if you want to).
We plan to leave at 3 pm and arrive at the legion ~ 5 pm.
We will not be camping or cooking.
There will be a High Adventure hike where the High Adventure group will practice the pace they’ll need for the Porcupine Mountains. There is no need to bring a backpack or a specific weight for this HA practice hike.
Register by 11 pm, Thursday, March 17
Warren Dunes State Park
12032 Red Arrow Highway,
Sawyer, MI 49125