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Court of Honor & Annual Pot Luck Dinner

Monday, December 17th
Main Course (Chicken, Pasta and Beef) will be provided
Families are asked to bring a dish to pass.

Last Name beginning with
A-G Bring Hot Side Dishes
Potatoes, Vegetables, Baked Beans, Casseroles, etc.

H-N Bring Cold Side Dishes
Coleslaw, potato salad, Jell-O etc.

O-Z Bring Dessert
Cakes (please no Costco cakes), cookies, Brownies, etc.
**Please put your name on utensils & dishes you want back**
R.S.V.P. By Thursday December 13th
Number of people attending dinner &
Name of dish you will be providing
Jill Szywala

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© 2024 Lake Zurich Boy Scouts Troop 964 – American Legion Post #964 - Boy Scouts of America
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